to Texas Entomology - Compiled by Mike
One Hundred Beetles from Latimer County, OK
Karl Heinz Stephan (1931-2005) was a most extraordinary beetle collector, naturalist, and scholar who lived outside the small town of Red
Oak in Latimer County
of east Oklahoma (Map). Karl collected in rural Latimer Co. for 30 yrs and
amassed an astounding collection of over 3,500 beetle species, which makes this county one of the most thoroughly documented pieces of real estate in the U.S. for beetle diversity. (Carlton et al. 2005)
The vast majority of Karl's Latimer Co. specimens were donated to the Texas A&M Insect Collection (TAMUIC), but a partial synoptic set of over 900 species was compiled in 2002 and donated to the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. (Karl's synoptic collection occupies three 15-drawer cabinets within the SNOMNH collection.) Karl also made donated thousands of specimens annually to the Museum of Entomology, Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA)
at Gainesville, FL. In addition, Karl left 20 Cornell drawers of determined beetles at the Eastern Oklahoma State College in Wilburton, OK where he taught entomology.
A fraction of Karl's Latimer county specimens
are presented here. (Those with an off-white background are from
the FSCA.)
Rhysodidae - Wrinkled Bark Beetles
Carabidae - Ground Beetles

Haliplidae - Crawling Water Beetles

Dytiscidae - Predaceous Diving Beetles
Histeridae - Clown Beetles

Staphylinidae - Rove Beetles

Lucanidae - Stag Beetles

Eucinetidae - Plate-thigh Beetles

Buprestidae - Metallic Wood-boring Beetles

Byrrhidae - Pill or Moss Beetles

Psephenidae - Water Penny Beetles

Callirhipidae - Callirhipid Cedar Beetles
Artematopodidae - Soft-bodied Plant Beetles

Cerophytidae - Rare Click Beetles

Eucnemidae - False Click Beetles
Elateridae - Click Beetles

Lycidae - Net-winged Beetles

Cantharidae - Soldier Beetles

Bostrichidae - Horned Powder-post Beetles
Trogossitidae - Bark-gnawing Beetles

Cleridae - Checkered Beetles

Nitidulidae - Sap-feeding Beetles

Monotomidae - Root-eating Beetles

Silvanidae - Silvanid Flat Bark Beetles

Passandridae - Parasitic Flat Bark Beetles

Laemophloeidae - Lined Flat Bark Beetles

Phalacridae - Shining Flower Beetles

Erotylidae - Pleasing Fungus Beetles

Byturidae - Fruitworm Beetles
Biphyllidae - False Skin Beetles

Bothrideridae - Dry Bark Beetles

Endomychidae - Handsome Fungus Beetles

Coccinellidae - Ladybird Beetles
Mycetophagidae - Hairy Fungus Beetles

Ciidae - Minute Tree-fungus Beetles
Zopheridae - Ironclad Beetles

Tenebrionidae - Darkling Beetles

Salpingidae - Narrow-waisted Bark Beetles
Anthicidae - Antlike Flower Beetles

Cerambycidae - Longhorned Beetles

Chrysomelidae - Leaf Beetles

Anthribidae - Fungus Weevils
Curculionidae - Snout and Bark Beetles

E. Carlton, Donald S. Chandler, Richard A. B.
Leschen, Edward G. Riley, and Paul E. Skelley 2005.
Obituary and Dedication. Karl Heinz Stephan 1931-2005. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 59(3): 277-283. (BioOne)
May 20, 2013 © Mike
Quinn /
/ Texas
Entomology / Texas Beetle References / Oklahoma Entomology