Nymphalidae de Mexico I
(Danainae, Apaturinae, Biblidinae y Heliconiinae):
Distribucion Geografica e Ilustracion
Armando Luis-Martinez, Jorge E.
Llorente-Bousquets & Isabel Vargas-Fernandez. 2003. Facultad de
Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, and Comision
Nacional Para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO),
Mexico City. 249pp. Illustrations by Pal Janos.
to Texas
Book on Mexican Nymphalidae available
The above book has just been published in Mexico City, and is
now available for purchase.
This book provides detailed distributional data, distribution
maps, and color illustrations of adults for all Mexican species in the
following genera:
Anetia, Lycorea, Danaus, Asterocampa, Doxocopa, Biblis,
Mestra, Catonephele, Eunica, Myscelia, Nessaea, Ectima, Hamadryas,
Bolboneura, Epiphile, Nica, Pyrrhogyra, Temenis, Dynamine, Callicore,
Diaethria, Cyclogramma, Adelpha (!!!), Basilarchia, Marpesia,
Altinote, Actinote, Speyeria, Euptoieta, Agraulis, Dione, Dryadula,
Dryas, Philaethria, Laparus, Eueides and Heliconius.
The format and presentation of the book is the same as in the
first volume of the series: Papilionidae y
Pieridae de Mexico: Distribucion Geografica e Ilustracion (if you
don’t have this, see book review by Warren (1999), Journal of the
Lepidopterists’ Society 52(3):342-343).
The new book on Mexican Nymphalidae (the first of two volumes
on Nymphalidae) is now available for US $40.00.
Anyone wishes to obtain a copy of this book can send a
personal check for US $40.00, made out to “Andrew D.
Warren,” and mail to same at:
McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity
Florida Museum of Natural History
University of Florida
PO Box 112710
Gainesville, FL 32611-2710
Phone: (352) 359-0668
email: hesperioidea@yahoo.com
VERY IMPORTANT! Please include a daytime phone number along
with your shipping address- the phone number is required by the courier
service through whom books are mailed from Mexico City. All numbers
will otherwise be kept confidential.
As soon as payment is received, Mexico City will be notified
via e-mail, and books are shipped from there, using a safe, express
carrier (Warren keeps no extra copies). Books usually take 1-4 weeks to
reach their destination.
This is the only way this volume may be obtained, and only
1000 copies exist (so don’t wait too long).
If outside of the US or Canada, please contact Andy Warren privately
to arrange payment (postage may cost more to countries other than the
US and Canada); stated price of US $40.00 includes postage from Mexico
City to US and Canadian destinations.